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  • Tuesday, April 10, 2007

    Christianity is being torn apart because it is a false religion. Christianity preaches hatred of non-Christians. Christians take the Bible and its teachings very literally so when the Bible states that Christians must spread the word of Christianity throughout the world and use force if they have to, then stupid Christian fundamentalists do exactly that. Christianity is rising because look at the countries where it is the main religion. The countries are often under dictatorial regime or are very poor and vulnerable. They get brainwashed into Christianity because there is no hope of life for them. If you look closely at how Christianity is spread throughout the world, you will see it is not a religion but a political and ethical movement by The West to spread their vermon around the world.

    There doesnt seem to be anything peaceful about Christians. They are either fighting with Muslims or fighting themselves. Its never their fault.

    Unless the Christian community speak up (or do something) Australian society will further divide. More Muslims will start to look at you with distrust and suspicion, choosing not to offer your children employment over those they percieve with more peaceful intentions ... perferring to have Muslims instead of non-Muslims housed in their rented properties etc etc... it's the way society voice their concerns and punish those they mistrust.


    Sounds pretty extreme doesn't- in fact that is just a merging of some comments which are approved to appear on the Telegraphs website, with the words Muslim and Christian swapped over- here are the original comments:

    The sooner this loser is deported the better, Im sick of seeing the papers covered with stories about this sad excuse for a human and poor representative of the muslim community. And as for his daughter, she makes me sick, she is a disgrace for all women regardless of what religion/race they are. She probably only says what she has because she would be punished or ostracised otherwise. How dare she sit in this country and make such comments, go back to your bomb shelter wherever your family is from. Im sure when the bombs and fighting dont cease you would wish you were anywhere else but there. The sheik, his family can get the hell out of here and take that puppet Keyser Trad with you as well.
    Posted by: Ally of Sydney 9:53am today

    there dosnt seem to be anything peaceful about muslims. they are either fighting with the west or fighting themselves. its never their fault. it is time to ban religon it has given us nothing but evil acts since the day a lie stated it all.

    Posted by: timothya of newy 9:28am today

    Wake up Muslims! Unless your community speak up (or do something) this fool only serves to isolate you from Australian society further. More non muslims will start to look at you with distrust and suspicion, choosing not to offer your children employment over those the percieve with more peaceful intention ... perferring to have non-muslim housed in their rented properties etc etc... it's the way society voice their concerns and punish those they mistrust. The result, the muslim community will have to increasingly turn to itself for support, your options for emplyment and housing will become contained to fewer and fewer suburbs. Ultimately slums will develope (such as LA, New York) will develope. I'm not saying this is so, but look at other lands and see what society does to those they feel uncomfortable with. It's a noose around your neck, and it's tightning day by day. So someone should get of their chuffs and start to build relations, instead of allowing idiots to offer you and your children only further hardships. Let this land become a model of peace and acceptance for others to envy or emulate.
    Posted by: gray 8:09am today

    Mohamed of Sydney, I disagree with you. Islam is being torn apart because it is a false religion. It was concocted by Arabs in the 7th century in direct opposition to Christianity and Judaism as these were clearly very popular and rising. Islam preaches hatred of Jews and non-Muslims. Muslims take the Koran and its teachings very literally so when the Koran states that Muslims must spread the word of Islam throughout the world and use force if they have to, then stupid Muslim fundamentalists do exactly that. Islam is rising because look at the countries where it is the main religion. The countries are often under dictatorial regime or are very poor and vulnerable. They get brainwashed into Islam becaus ethere is no hope of life for them so no wonder you have thousands willing to be suicide bombers as they are told they will be greeted by 72 virgins in heaven. For many disillusioned young men in Muslim countries, this is a dream come true. If you look closely at how Islam is spread throughout the world, you will see it is not a religion but a political and ethical movemnet by Arabs to spread their vermon around the world. Unlike the UK, I can guarantee that we will not be turning into Australianistan and that we will fight.
    Posted by: George of Melbourne 9:53am today