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  • Sunday, January 28, 2007

    Wakey Wakey Hands Off Sheikhy

    First off apologies for the title but I got a little jealous of the trashy tabloids and the sensationalist current affairs show having all the fun with the headlines, so I thought I'd give it ago.

    Predictably the media hasn't let us down with divisive islamophobic material, and instead of focusing on a wonderful Australia Day weekend they have turned on a young Imam who gave a sermon in place of Sheikh Taj.

    Yahya Safi, a young Australian Muslim, gave a sermon on Friday which included the following:

    "God destroy the oppressors, destroy the aggressors, destroy the hypocrites, destroy the despotic tyrants."

    He also made dua'a (a Muslim prayer) for God to destroy the enemies of Islam.

    So now how do you think the Australian media drama queens took this? Well according to them this was urging attacks on coalition and Australian forces in Iraq.

    How do we know whether or not he was talking about Australian troops, easy, we take what he said and see if that is a description of our troops, so-
    Are Australian troops enemies of Islam?
    Are they oppressors?
    Are they aggressors?
    Are they hypocrites?
    Are they despotic tyrants?

    If you answered NO to all the above then you can simply dismiss what these media ratbags are saying.

    But for divisive elements of the media to come to that conclusion it means that they must think that are troops are those things- shame on them. How dare they question the ethics of the worlds most honorable military men.

    This is an Australia Day weekend and these people need to think long and hard about what sort of Australia they are creating. If we sit silent and allow these people to continue with this rubbish then the future for our country is going to become an "Us vs Them", we will not be a united nation and the Australian we have known and loved will be no more.

    The deliberate misinformation being sent out is a disgrace, these people are deliberately infiltrating every sermon at Lakemba Mosque looking for that next quote that they can twist to suit their hate filled agendas.

    Shame on you.

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