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  • Friday, November 10, 2006

    The Worlds Silence Is Defeaning

    Where is the outcry, blood flows through the streets of the Palestinian territories and the world is silence.

    The hypocrisy of the US in regards to Israel is a joke. They are actively supporting this murder.

    They want to fight terrorism, well first they need to fight this sort of injustice. This is the sort of stuff that breeds terrorists. When people see this stuff on a daily basis, and have no hope for the future they resort to desperate measures and these measures are what we see as suicide bombings.

    Isn't it time to give these people back their dignity? Surely that is a far better approach to stop terrorism then bombing Iraq and Afghanistan.

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    Thursday, November 02, 2006

    PM should Support Our Muslim Community, not dictate to them

    The Australian Democrats have called on the Prime Minster to provide public support to the Muslim community rather than lend his weight to the crusade of vilification being conducted against them.

    “The double standards being applied over this incident are blatant. It will only serve to increase the alienation felt by many Muslim Australians and feed the hostility of other Australians towards them,” Senator Bartlett said.

    “It is time for the Prime Minister to put the national interest ahead of his own short-term political gain.”

    “However terrible Sheik's comments were, as far as I know he's never been accused or found to guilty of the even worse crime of child rape, unlike a number of priest and religious figures. The Church not only didn't 'take action' on many of those incidents, it actively covered them up for decades.

    “When the Pope stated last year that "deep seated homosexual tendencies are objectively disordered" and that such persons are "gravely hindered in relating correctly to men and women", nobody demanded that the Pope by replaced or that reaction to his views would be a 'test of the bona fides of the Catholic community'.

    “The Prime Minister should stop instructing the Muslim community how to handle this situation. He knows full well that by publicly telling them what they should do, it makes it much harder for them to do it, as they will just be seen to be acting on his instruction.

    “Suggestions have already come from the Muslim community of a plan to abolish the position of Mufti in Australia and this seems sensible to me. But the main thing that will threaten any such move is outsiders pontificating through the media about what they should do and when they should do it.

    “It is way past time to cut the double standards and stop the feeding frenzy in this debate. We should give the Muslim community the opportunity to address the problem in their own way and in their own time. The Prime Minster should be showing leadership on this issue by giving this beleaguered community much needed support to help achieve this,” Senator Bartlett concluded.

    Queensland Democrat Senator

    Media contact – Tracee McPate – 0417 607 655

    Electoral office: Suite 14 B1, 7/421 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006

    t: 07 3252 7101 local call cost (Qld): 1300 301 879 f: 07 3252 8957

    e: senator.bartlett@aph.gov.au web: www.andrewbartlett.com